
Depression How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Far from feeling refreshed, you might wake up exhausted and feeling utterly unmotivated. As a result, it isn’t easy to contemplate the day ahead. It may have started gradually. Maybe you became aware of...


Anxiety A degree of anxiety is normal. It helps get us motivated to act. For instance, before a big speech or exam, it would be unnatural not to feel any of its symptoms, such as racing pulse, dry mouth, sweatiness and shallow breathing. But too much anxiety can be...

Phobias, panic and PTSD

Phobias, panic and PTSD There are two kinds of bad memories. Some fade slowly so that a year or so later, your impression of the event in question is no longer intrusive. It quietens over time until you can recall it as an ordinary narrative memory about some...


Addiction You may choose to call it a craving, a fancy or a bit of a dependence. Yet anyone who overly relies upon an activity – alcohol, drugs, food, shopping, gambling, sex, etc. – hopes to fill a void or block something out that is missing in their lives. When...